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45 Bags of Human Remains Discovered in Western Mexico

June 03,2023:

In a chilling development, authorities in the western Mexican state of Jalisco uncovered 45 bags filled with human remains. The discovery was made by investigators from the Jalisco State Prosecutor's Office who were actively searching for seven young call center workers. The grim find occurred in a deep ravine measuring 40 meters, according to an official statement.

Mexico police with found human remains

The call center employees had gone missing from the Jardines Vallarta and La Estancia neighborhoods in Jalisco the previous week. While it is not yet confirmed if the recovered remains belong to the missing workers, the State Prosecutor's Office is diligently continuing its search for them.

On Tuesday afternoon, the police responded to a tip about potential evidence related to the disappearance, leading them to the Mirador del Bosque ravine in Zapopan city. It was there that they discovered a black plastic bag containing human remains, prompting a more extensive search operation. In total, 45 bags filled with human remains belonging to both men and women were found.

The Jalisco Forensic Medical Service is now working on identifying the remains, determining the number of bodies discovered, and establishing the cause of death. Jalisco has been grappling with pervasive violence in recent years, with the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) being a major contributor to the region's turmoil.

In 2020, the U.S. Justice Department launched a six-month investigation targeting the CJNG, resulting in over 750 arrests. Assistant Attorney General Brian Benczowski at the time described the CJNG as the most heavily armed cartel in Mexico, responsible for appalling acts of violence and loss of life.


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