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Unveiling Secrets: Retired US Air Force Officer Testifies on UFO Program before Congress

ufo flying above a forest

Retired Maj. David Grusch, a former Air Force intelligence officer, testified before Congress about a secretive program focused on retrieving and reverse engineering UFOs, also known as "unidentified aerial phenomena" (UAPs). Both Democrats and Republicans have expressed interest in this program due to national security concerns, as some believe these sightings might be linked to potential threats from U.S. adversaries.

Grusch disclosed that in 2019, while serving at the National Reconnaissance Office, he was asked by the head of a government task force on UAPs to identify highly classified programs associated with their mission. During his investigation, he uncovered information about a long-standing UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering initiative, but he was denied access to it.

Regarding the possibility of extraterrestrial life, Grusch suggested that the U.S. government has likely been aware of "non-human" activity since the 1930s.

Despite Grusch's claims, the Pentagon has denied the existence of programs related to extraterrestrial materials possession or reverse-engineering, without addressing UFOs not believed to be of alien origin.

Grusch stated that he became a whistleblower after his discovery and faced retaliation for coming forward, though he refrained from providing specific details due to an ongoing investigation.

During the congressional hearing, lawmakers from both parties showed genuine interest in Grusch's claims, taking the topic more seriously than in previous hearings. They questioned him about UFO research, the consequences he faced, and ways to access information about the government's UAP programs. Some legislators criticized the Pentagon for not providing more details in classified briefings or releasing images to the public.

Despite receiving numerous reports on UFOs, the Pentagon has not found evidence suggesting that observed objects are of alien origin. However, they consider any unauthorized systems in U.S. airspace as potential safety threats. The hearing highlighted the need for transparency and reporting systems to gain a better understanding of these phenomena.

On the same day, three former military officials also testified, sharing their belief that the government possesses more information about UFOs than what is disclosed publicly. The House Oversight subcommittee's hearing underscored the bipartisan concern and raised questions about national security implications. Some lawmakers accused the federal government of concealing crucial UFO-related information, although no evidence was presented to support these claims.

Rep. Robert Garcia emphasized the importance of investigating and overseeing UAP sightings due to the significant number of reports and whistleblower accounts. He expressed concern that UAPs could pose serious threats to military and civilian aircraft.

Experts at the hearing proposed various explanations for UAP sightings, including balloons, drones, optical illusions, and commercial airliner lights. While the Pentagon has not confirmed alien activity, they have not ruled it out as a potential explanation.

During the hearing, the witnesses made five main claims:

1. The government possesses UAPs with certainty, as stated by David Grusch. He conducted interviews with 40 witnesses and led Defense Department efforts to analyze UAP sightings. Grusch disclosed the existence of a "multidecade" Pentagon program focused on collecting and reconstructing crashed UAPs, funded without congressional oversight through a "misappropriation of funds."

2. "Nonhuman biologics" have been found at crash sites, according to Grusch, who preferred the term "nonhuman" over "alien" or "extraterrestrial."

The testimony during the hearing further intensified interest and concern surrounding UFOs and UAPs, prompting calls for greater transparency and thorough investigations.


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